• Hawaii Convention Center
  • 1801 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, Oahu, HI 96815-1513
sotf logo

About Schools of the Future Conference

The Schools of the Future Conference explores a wide-range of topics and ideas related to best and emerging practices in education. The annual SOTF Conference is the largest event of its nature in Hawai'i and serves as an opportunity for teachers and administrators, across Hawaii’s public, private and charter schools, to reflect upon how to better serve children. The conference is produced annually in partnership with the Hawai'i State Department of Education, the Hawai'i Association of Independent Schools, the Hawai'i Community Foundation and the Hawai'i Society for Technology in Education.

Conference Dates:
October 16 & 17, 2025 - SOTF Conference

Registration will open in April

Early Bird

April 1 - June 30

  • 1-Day Ticket $230
  • 2-Day Ticket $460


July 1 - September 15

  • 1-Day Ticket $280
  • 2-Day Ticket $560


September 16 - the Conference

  • 1-Day Ticket $330
  • 2-Day Ticket $660

NOW OPEN: 2025 Schools of the Future Call for Proposals

The Schools of the Future Conference aims to help transform learning environments today for the world of tomorrow. In pursuit of this mission, the Conference planning committee seeks proposals related to pedagogy and best teaching practices to help educators prepare learners for the future.

Call for Proposals Overview

Proposals should include innovative trends while also helping attendees increase their professional competence by providing for an exchange of ideas and solutions. As always, the planning team strives to ensure that all content is relevant and timely. The goal of SOTF is to deliver a conference that helps inform best and emerging practices in education going forward by providing innovative and implementable ideas that can be put into practice. To that end, the review committee will pay particular attention to whether proposals are reflective, in some way, of the teaching and learning environment we strive to create for our students. In doing so, the SOTF Conference, along with selected presenters, will create a community of learning that will help educators improve the quality of education for all students.

Proposals will be accepted for one-hour presentations or one-hour and thirty-minute workshops. Pre-recorded presentations will also be offered as a component of the conference and will be made available to registered attendees along with a selection of keynote and featured speaker recordings.

Proposals can be submitted by anyone working in a preschool, early learning, K-12 or higher education setting or support organization. Vendors, exhibitors and for-profit companies interested in presenting at the SOTF Conference will need to purchase a sponsor package that includes a breakout session.

Presentations with Students
If an adult will serve as the primary presenter with the presentation incorporating student voice, then please proceed with submitting a proposal using this form. If the presentation will be delivered primarily by students, with a teacher serving as a point person or facilitator, please wait for the Call for Student Proposals, which will be announced in the Fall. Student presenters (K-12th graders) will not be charged a registration fee (maximum of 4 students per session).

Presenter Discounts

  • If your proposal is selected for the in-person conference, the Primary Presenter will receive a complimentary ticket.
  • Each session allows for one (1) co-presenter, who will receive a 50% discount. If you are proposing a panel or wish to include more than one co-presenter, please list their names in the session description. All additional co-presenters are required to register for the conference independently and will be responsible for the conference rate in effect at the time of registration.
  • Co-presenters must be included in the proposal to receive the discounts.
  • All presenters must register in order to present at the Conference. Please note that the conference does not cover any travel expenses (hotel, airfare or other) for presenters.
  • Discounts are not available to presenters only submitting a proposal for a pre-recorded session.

Submitting a Proposal

A Proposal Planning Template has been created to assist with the submission process. The template should not be used to submit a proposal; rather, it is meant as a tool to help plan and draft your proposal. Please download or make a copy of this document to use for your planning purposes. When you are ready to submit your proposal, please do so via the official SOTF Proposal Submission Form.

The deadline to submit a proposal has been extended to April 4, 2025 and notifications will be sent in early May 2025.

Conference Tracks:

The Schools of the Future Conference explores a wide range of topics and ideas. Program tracks are offered as a means of illuminating content that is of most interest to attendees. Session proposals can be submitted in one of the conference tracks listed below, but can encompass a wide-range of topics. For sessions that may fall under multiple tracks, please submit the proposal under the best-fitting track.

Each presentation track offers general guidelines and keywords that best represent the interests of this year's conference. These guidelines are offered to assist and are by no means limitations.

Early Childhood Learning
Presentations in this track should be designed for educators of preschool through grade 3, focusing on the latest trends and research in early childhood education. Presentations should combine practical insights and innovative strategies for child development and can include topics like: emergent literacy, and play-based learning, inclusive education and technology integration in early learning environments.

Cognitive Diversity/Learner Variabilities
This track focuses on embracing cognitive diversity, offering a deep dive into learning differences, differentiated and personalized learning approaches, and Universal Design for Learning principles. It aims to equip educators with strategies and insights into brain science that enhance learning accessibility for all students. Presentations might explore innovative methods to cater to diverse learning needs, ensuring every student's unique learning style is acknowledged and supported in educational environments.

Project and Place-Based Learning
Sessions in this track should aim to advance PBL practices by exploring the knowledge and skills needed to create, assess, and manage high-quality, authentic Project/Inquiry/Problem-Based Learning. Attendees will explore innovative PBL methods and strategies, aiming to deepen student engagement and foster real-world connections. This track is ideal for educators seeking to enrich their curriculum with dynamic, experiential learning opportunities.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
This track aims to explore and share best practices and strategies for effective SEL implementation in various educational settings. Participants will delve into current research and evidence that highlight the impact and benefits of SEL on students' academic performance and overall well-being. The track will provide educators with actionable insights on integrating SEL into curriculum and school culture, emphasizing the development of emotional intelligence, resilience, and positive student-teacher relationships.

Teaching and Learning with Technology
This track will explore resources and strategies for transforming teaching and learning through communication, information, and technological tools. Sessions for this track should explore and showcase approaches to integrating technology in an effort to promote student empowerment, innovative design, creative communicators, and global contributors.

Computer Science
This track will focus on computer science and computational thinking for all levels of teaching. Presentation topics may include (but are not limited to) classroom practices, cross-curricular integration, physical computing, robotics, cybersecurity, and emerging areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), data science, and Esports. Alignment to the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) professional development standards for K-12 computing is encouraged.

Cultivating Peace, Civic Engagement, and Democracy
This track, guided by the value of kuleana (responsibility), aims to promote peace through education, awareness, and advocacy. It will equip educators with the tools to foster ʻike pono (an understanding of what is right) and cultivate lōkahi (unity and harmony) within their classrooms and communities. Sessions will explore strategies that encourage productive civic participation rooted in respect and shared responsibility.

Effective Educational Practices
This track serves as a comprehensive platform for educators and administrators to explore and share a wide range of best practices in teaching and learning. It is designed to encapsulate the breadth and depth of effective educational strategies, covering essential topics such as student engagement, enhancing school culture and climate, innovative assessment strategies, and transformative approaches to student learning. Presentations may include subject and curricular areas as a unique opportunity for professionals to showcase their expertise, exchange ideas, and collaborate on the development and implementation of impactful teaching methods.

Presentation Formats:

Presentations (1 Hour)
These sessions are an hour long and will take place during the in-person conference. They can be a more traditional, seated audience presentation or an Interactive lecture involving participant-engaged learning experiences.

Workshops (1 Hour and 30 Minutes)
These sessions should offer an In-depth exploration of a topic over the course of a one-hour and thirty-minute session during the in-person conference. Workshop sessions provide for a deeper dive into a particular topic, resource, or tool. They should be dynamic and engaging, with attendees actively engaged in activities and/or discussions.

Pre-Recorded Presentations (up to 1-hour long)
If you are already submitting a proposal to present at the Conference, consider also submitting a pre-recorded version of it. Pre-recorded presentations will be recorded and submitted ahead of the Conference. They can be any length of time but should not exceed an hour. A TedTalk format is ideal for these sessions. Pre-recorded sessions will be made available to registered attendees along with a selection of keynote and featured speaker recordings.

Proposal Review Criteria:

If your proposal is accepted, the session title and description, along with the presenter(s) bio(s), will be made viewable on the Conference app and website. Please make sure that all content, including spelling and grammar, is suitable for public reference.

Keep in mind that the proposal reviewers may not know you or your reputation, or be familiar with the specific technologies, models, or instructional strategies you are addressing. Be sure to provide sufficient detail including full names (not acronyms) and brief descriptions of all such elements in your proposal summary so reviewers can evaluate the relevance and usefulness of the information to attendees.

Your proposal will be evaluated for its:

  • Relevance to the selected educational track and overall mission of the Conference.
  • Alignment to the current teaching and learning conditions.
  • Educational significance and contribution to the respective topic.
  • Ease of replication and application.
  • Value and relevance to SOTF participants.
  • Presenter knowledge and experience.